How To Rock Up Coke


first off u grind down your pure cocaine to straight powder thenu wanna spray it lightly with aceton you will need a spray bottlefor this once uve sprayed lightly mix your cocaine with yourcuttting agent now mix it well now you will put your cut coke in apaper towel and compress it with two cups or something similiar andthen clamp down with a clap let dry for about 15 min and done if uwant it harder then you can put in microwave for 10 to 15 sec

How do you harden pastey cocaine?

Oct 19, 2017  Keep the spoon perfectly still and it will form before your eyes. When the water in the spoon is cooled slowly pour the water of the tip of the spoon, into a coffee filter if you have one. Almost no crack will come off the spoon with the water. Leave the spoon with the crack rock in it to dry on a window sill in the sun or finish under a lamp. Forums › Drugs › Cocaine & Crack › Best Way to make crack? This topic contains 14 replies. Of course with average purity cocaine you will be left with a rock of 0.04g after doing this, still up for it? Still into taking cocaine, wait your dealer gets the best peruvian flake and its 85% pure:bigsmile::biggreen::satisfied you muppet.

Where is Regirock in Pokemon Diamond?

never!! in platinum by an event but in diamond u have do that pal park thing Rerock is only avalible at ruby, sapphire, emerald version. Read More

What is a gram of cocaine?

What is an kilo of cocaine?

'What is a kilo of cocaine?' you mean, well it's cocaine. Cocaine is a really bad drug that is illegal and can kill you! 'What is a kilo of cocaine?' you mean, well it's cocaine. Cocaine is a really bad drug that is illegal and can kill you! Read More

Is crack cocaine and cocaine different?

Both are cocaine. Crack is a type of cocaine that is processed in a certain way to make it smokable, but crack is still cocaine. Read More

How do you test positive for cocaine?

by sniffing,shooting and smoking. cocaine is cocaine Read More

What is a zip of cocaine?

What is sold as cocaine?

Is cocaine from a rock?

No cocaine is not from a rock, cocaine is from the leaves of the tropical coca plant. Read More

What the differences between cocaine and crack?

crack cocaine is a cooked and ricked cocaine. crack is smoked while cocaine is snorted Read More

What are the chemicals in cocaine?

some of the chemicals found in cocaine are eather, bathsalts,bakingsoda and cocaine Read More

Can you snort crack cocaine?

You snort cocaine, you smoke crack, which is the crystallized form of cocaine. Read More

What will test positive for cocaine?

Does herbalife have cocaine in it?

How much jail time can you get possession of cocaine?

It all depends on the record of the person possessing the cocaine, how much cocaine is involved and whom the cocaine was to be sold. Read More

Will depakote make you test positive for cocaine?

No! The only drug that will test positive for cocaine IS cocaine. Read More

What is a 20 of cocaine?

It is a measurement of cocaine. a 20 is .8g to 1 gram of cocaine. Read More

How To Rock Up Coke

What is a bird of cocaine?

36 ounces of cocaine or a Brick of drugs usually Cocaine Read More

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How long does it take to get crack cocaine out your urine?

crack cocaine and cocaine is in your urine for 4 days Read More

What is the difference between crack cocaine and regular cocaine in a urine test?

They have different chemical makeups. Cocaine - Cocaine Hydrochloride Crack cocaine - 2-beta-carbomethoxyl-3-beta-benoxytropane Read More

What is the medical name for cocaine?

What shows as cocaine in urine test?

What kind of drug is cocaine?

Does morphine have cocaine inside?

What type of drug is cocaine?

Can you hot knife crack cocaine?

How can cocaine be prevented?

you can prevent cocaine by not taking it Read More

Is cocaine a depressant or a stimulant?

Is Cocaine a phenomena?

Is opiate in the cocaine family?

What does it mean when cocaine has crystals in it?

Does Johnny Depp do cocaine?

He has in the past, but not now. 'Cocaine is a strange drug..I hated cocaine' -Johnny Depp Read More

What is the legal name for cocaine?

It comes as pure white crystalline powder. Cocaine HCl (or Cocaine Hydrochloride) is your answer. Read More

Are there any medical conditions that test positive for cocaine?

No the only way you can fail is to do cocaine or crack cocaine Read More

How long does cocaine stay in the system?

Cocaine has a halflife of around 1 hour. That means every hour after taking cocaine the level of cocaine drops by 50 percent. Read More


Can dirty cocaine have a connection to lung infections?

Cocaine is an illegal drug. there really is no such thing as dirty or clean cocaine. All cocaine can kill you, or give you lung problems. Read More

What is Cocaine that is smoked?

Cocaine that is smoked is known as crack cocaine, which are hard crystallised rocks, whereas cocaine produced to be snorted is a white, brown or off-white powder. Read More

What has the author Joseph Spillane written?

Joseph Spillane has written: 'Cocaine' -- subject(s): Cocaine, Cocaine abuse, Cocaine industry, Drug control, History Read More

Why is possession of crack cocaine more jail time than powder cocaine?

Crack cocaine is generally more addictive than cocaine and therefore is more detremental to society. Read More

Why would snorting a suboxone say it was cocaine on a drug test?

it wouldn't. in order for cocaine to show up there has to be cocaine in the urine or blood. suboxone won't show up as cocaine. Read More

Where can you view a video about cocaine?

You can view a video about cocaine on YouTube. A popular video currently available on cocaine is the Rob Ford cocaine controversy that is currently taking place in Toronto. Read More

Why might one get a cocaine treatment?

One would get a cocaine treatment in order to rid oneself of addiction to cocaine. As cocaine is not a healthy substance, physically and financially, treatment is recommended. Read More

What drugs show a positive test results for cocaine usage?

No other drug tests positive for cocaine but cocaine! Read More

If you use cocaine on occasion what kind of effects does it have on the baby?

cocaine will really help your baby develop a cocaine addiction. Read More

Is it safe to take cocaine with antibiotics?

Is it safe to take antibiotics and cocaine? I heard cocaine wipes out the effects of the antibiotic. Read More

What category of drugs does cocaine belong?

How do you slow heart rate when on cocaine?

How To Rock Up Coke With Ammonia

What's the history of crack cocaine?

Can cocaine kill you?

Yes, an overdose of cocaine can kill you. Read More

What are the effect of using cocaine?

If you do cocaine you will get pregnant and die. Read More

Crack is made by adding baking soda and water to cocaine and cooking the whole thing, usually in a spoon. ermingut/Getty Images

Crack cocaine is an easier-to-manufacture form of freebase cocaine – the only difference between cocaine and crack is that the latter has its hydrochloride removed, increasing the melting point and making the drug smokable. Because its production doesn't require the use of flammable solvents, it is safer to make than freebase cocaine. Without being too specific, here's what's involved in making it [source: Gwynne].

Step 1 : Dissolve powder cocaine in hot water

Step 2 : Add sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) to the mixture

Step 3: Boil the solution to separate out the solids

Step 4: Cool the separated mixture and cut up the solids into 'rocks'

Recipes for crack cocaine are readily available online, and it's a relatively simple task to convert cocaine into crack. You only need a few household chemicals and basic chemistry knowledge [sources: Erowid, National Geographic].

Crack rocks are white or tan in color and typically range in size from 0.1 to 0.5 grams. According to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), crack rocks contain between 80 percent and 100 percent pure cocaine [source: LaVille].

Most of the cocaine that comes into the United States today originates in Colombia, Bolivia and Peru. In spite of decades of political maneuvering, social upheaval, and border policing, Colombia was still the world's biggest supplier of cocaine in 2017. Hundreds of thousands of acres of arable land are used to grow coca plants, and farmers see it as a regular source of income rather than a criminal operation [source: Woody].

How To Rock Up Coke In A Spoon

Cocaine is usually smuggled into the United States across the Mexican border, often vehicles modified for maximum concealment, or even via underground tunnels, or off the coast, in small submarines. It arrives in the country in powder form and is converted to crack by the wholesaler or retailer (gangs make up most of the retail market in the United States) [source: Nixon].

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