Bokura No Kiseki Raw Full

Zeze Ryou
Japanese Name:瀬々 稜
Romanized Name:Zeze Ryō
Past self:Eugene
Birthday:December 3
Blood Type:AB
Height:175 cm
Weight:54 kg

Bokura no Kiseki (ボクラノキセキ) vol 01-12. Posted on October 11, 2015 by admin. Associated Names. This entry was posted in Manga[raw] and tagged manga. Bokura no Himitsu wo Kyouyuu Shiyou ka Yuka goes to Ikimonogakari's room to ask them to solve her love problem, but unfortunately, they couldn't help her. To make her feel better, the people in the club gives her a piece of candy.

Zeze Ryou is a student of the Minato Prefectural High School and a member of class 1-4. He doesn't remember who he was in the previous life and decided to keep himself out of it.

Zeze is voiced by Morikubo Showtaro in the drama CD.

Bokura no kiseki raw full episode

Appearance & PersonalityEdit

Zeze is a laid back person with a tendency to turn a blind eye on troubles. He prefers sticking to the current peaceful life as high school student rather than remembering about his past life. He is an introvert who enjoys living alone in his small apartament. He's quite messy person as his place is full of dust and unpacked boxes. Despite his carefree atitude he's well-aware of his life situation and to pay his bills and thus stay independent, he works part-time job in his dad's karaoke place. Zeze is often seen listening to music, wearing his earphones. He's not the most eager of the students and he's often slacking off.

He has blond hair and light brown eyes.

Zeze has a peculiar tendency to refer to his friends by self-made nicknames or adding weird suffixes. It's confusing to those around him, as they see him as just fooling around.


Not much is known about Zeze except that he is the person who allows all the meetings to take place at karaoke 7. Zeze, unlike the others did not see the flash of magic at the beginning of the story and his memories have been very fuzzy. The only reason he has any knowledge of the past is because he saw Minami's notebook. However, later, even after an encounter with magic, his memory continues to be vague- though over time he has been shown to be gradually recalling more information.


Teshimano is a friend of Zeze both before and after the members of class 1-4 begin to recall their past lives.
Zeze is the one who gives Minami advice from time to time, even if it doesn't seem like it.


Zeze is also known to have a father, mother, granmother and older sister. His father is the manager at Karaoke 7 where Zeze works. His parents recently divorced.


  • Zeze's hobby is listening to music, especially electronica.
  • He likes spring, ramen, and sleeping.
  • He dislikes mornings.
Hiroki Yuu
Japanese Name:広木 悠
Romanized Name:Hiroki Yū
Past Self:Glen Schreiber
Birthday:August 4
Blood Type:B
Height:164 cm
Weight:50 kg
Favorite Color(s):'Vitamin colors'

Hiroki Yuu is a member of class 1-4 of Minato Prefectural High School.

She's childhood friend of Motoi and Midou and the reincarnation of a squire of Zerestria, Glen Schreiber. Her real identity is known to just a few as she feels more safe borrowing Bart Belbania's identity.

Hiroki is voice by Kawasumi Ayako in the drama CD.

Appearance & PersonalityEdit

Hiroki has long hair which looks orangish when seen in colour but dark when seen in the pages of the manga. Her eyes look like they are the same colour as hair. The earlobe in her left ear is ripped and since it's strong indication of her real identity, she keeps on hiding it in her long loose hair.

She seems to be dissatisfied with her current female body as she sees it as less capable.

Hiroki has a very carefree attitude but occasionally acts similar to her past self counterpart at certain instances. She is quick to judge things and quick to act.

Despite her inability to use magic, she is always ready to fight on the front lines. She is clearly loyal to Veronica/Minami and reacted strongly when Minami and Takao pretended to be enemies of Veronica. She is born a girl but some of her past life's feelings as a man influence her as when seen in one of the omakes.


Hiroki was able to remember about her past life since late middle school, but she didn't reveal that until later. After magic events started to took place in high school, she at first claimed to be princess Veronica, but her bluff was quickly explosed by Minami Harusumi. Hiroki stated she wanted to become Veronica's body double and correct herself to be reincarnation of 'the fang of the house Belbania' - Bart Belbania.


It is later revealed, after the confrontation with Midou and Momoka, that Hiroki is actually Glen Schreiber - adopted brother of Bart Belbania. As Glen Schreiber had many enemies and Hiroki remembers vaguely that they wanted him death, she decided that not revealing her true indentity is a lot safer, so her true identity is known only to Midou and Momoka. Since she was close to Bart, she can act like him without acting any suspicions, but it also puts her at disadvantage since she can't slip information known only to Glen while talking with others, especially Minami.


Bokura No Kiseki Raw Full
Motoi has known Hiroki since they were in middle school. Motoi likes Hiroki and confessed to her in the spur of the moment. He was later rejected by Hiroki.
Like Motoi, Midou has known Hiroki since they were in middle school.

Hiroki is also known to have a father and mother.

At first, Hiroki and Minami had an awkward relationship when she claims to be Veronica. But, she gradually becomes very loyal to Minami and tries to serve his wishes as a close friend.


Bokura No Kiseki Myanimelist

  • Hiroki is the only female in the story who was male in her past life.
  • Hiroki and Minami are the only ones to have changed gender through their reincarnation.
  • She likes yakiniku (grilled meat), summer and ichigoore.
  • She dislikes raw fish and shellfish.
  • She has lost her ability to perform magic in her present life but she remembers how to use beginners magic.
  • The mangaka has proclaimed that Hiroki is the most difficult character to draw.
  • She is being used as a meter by the mangaka to see if the manga volume can be finished by the deadline.
  • Hiroki had her memories as Glen since Middle School
  • Hiroki plays basketball
  • Hiroki used to have short hair in middle school, but decided to grow it out to hide the scar on her left ear which re-appeared when she was in 1st grade - it's the same scar as Glen had, after he lost his earring.
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