Flexi 10 Password Generator

  1. Flexi 10 Starter
  2. Flexi 10 Password Generator Free

If it weren't for the password, immoral types would be running amok, and the world would be in. If it's not secure enough, then try using a password generator. Flexi-phones Bendy phones are just. 10 wl Windows Vista Magazine Fall 2008.

Password generators are the little software or hardware that takes data from a random or pseudo-random number generators and then generates passwords. Being random in the field of creating passwords is considered as being hard and tricky but with the help of password generators that can be a walk in the park. Thus, you must know about the best Norton Password Generator tools out there.

They don’t get much exposure because they are only searched for when needed to do what they do best, and that is to generate passwords. They are vital to any consumer as they do save you from two significant effects, firstly from the hands of hackers who are ruthlessly scouring the seas of the internet to exploit you over your predictable passwords and the frustration of rejection from not hitting the preferred requirements when creating a new account on a website.

The most recommended password generators are open source as they allow you to modify and also allows you to independently check on the refinement of routes taken to create a corresponding password. The chances of receiving a password which is easy to hack and exploit are zero as each time a password is generated it’s random.

A password generator can also come with a password manager which allows you to store many passwords in a single location allowing you to have the freedom of not needing to remember each every one of your passcodes.

Password generators are excellent to tackle those rules and requirements which keeps on telling you to create a more complex password. They also come with adjustable parameters which allow you to control what kind of password has to be produced.

But even when coming to password generators there are so many on the internet that it becomes hard for any consumer to select the most effective and efficient. Hence today we are here show you the 10 best strong Norton password generator tools.


  • 1 Best Norton Password Generator Tools

Best Norton Password Generator Tools

Norton Identity Safe password generator

The first on the list with a hint in the heading of the article is Norton identity safe password generator. This generator is by far the best as it super easy and straightforward to use and is also, for free.

The specialty of the top runner is that it allows you to generate 50 passwords in one click, hence giving you a wide variety of choice when it comes to passwords.

The safety of this product comes from the distinguished name which adorns it. They also offer you a password manager which can allow you to access your unique pass codes anywhere.

Irrespective of being the best, the negative side is that your passwords will be stored online, so it got a random chance of being attacked and hacked.

Strong password generator

Suggested by the name, delivered by action is what the strong password generator does. It is famous for the robust passwords it generates and also comes with an additional feature which allows you to export all your passwords to a mobile device such as a phone or tablet.

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The other feature is that none of the passwords use the internet as a way of transferring hence assuring you the security of your passwords. It comes with customizable parameters too, but the negative side is that it will only generate one password at a time. So, far it’s a reliable Norton password generator.

See also: – 6 Best Random Username Generator Websites Cool Usernames

See also: – 9 Best All-in-One Password Decoder Tools


Third on our list is LastPass. It’s a freemium password management service that helps in generating unique passwords and also helps in storing a password in a secure encrypted place.

It’s a very popular client used by many to store passwords and to generates passwords. Users can also access LastPass as a browser extension especially for chrome which can you can get from the Chrome Store.

MSD services password generator

4th in the list is the MSD services password generator. This password generator is unique because it comes with so many customizable parameters which can make the password sincerely yours and unique too.

Flexi 10 Starter

The other feature is that it shows an array of passwords which are already present before clicking the generate password button on the screen, hence allowing you to choose a password which is truly easy to remember.


Coming hot onto the 5th place on the list is Safepasswd. It’s a unique Norton password generator as it comes with a strength detector. It sounds weird that a password generator would have a strength meter because you usually use a password generator to get a secure password but this feature comes handy if you want to compensate for the fact that it doesn’t have a password saving feature.

Hence the strength acts as a memory meter too. That will help the user to find out how hard or easy it is to remember a password. It also comes with character slider. Which will help you to choose the quantity of characters you need in the generated password.

Passwds Ninja

Coming hot in the 6th place in the list is the stealthy Password Ninja. It’s a very straightforward application which works very efficiently and effectively. The specialty of something so honest is also its disadvantage over other generators as it doesn’t have a checklist for password customization.

But irrespective of that all of it passwords start with a capital letter and ends with a number which is the primary criteria for password entry in almost all types of websites.

Littlelite password generator

Hailing at the 7th place is Littlelite password generator. It’s a simple and easy to use Norton password generator. The unique thing about this password generator is a little feature which allows it to add spaces. And exclude spaces at will in the password which you generate.

The other feature which is present in this program. But which is unnecessary is that it also allows you to create a 100-character password. One of the negative aspects of this generator is that it can only produce one password with each click. So, you don’t have an option.

Password Bird

At 8th place is the generator Password Bird. It’s unique in not only in creating password but also the way it generates passwords. The websites generates each unique password by combining a name. Which is special to you with a word unique to you and a date which is unique to you.

The information that goes in to create the unique password is through a text field. It also generates three unique passwords using the data collected.

This type of password generator gives passwords which are easy to remember for the user. But the relations of the user of such a generator have an excellent chance to crack the passwords.


See also: – 7 Best Random US Address Generator Websites – TechWhoop

See also: – Top 10 Best Random Word Generator Websites – TechWhoop

Techzoom password generator

This password generator comes with the usual options which allow you to customize the output of the unique password created. It also comes with the opportunity to format your credit card numbers.

It’s pretty easy and straightforward to use. And comes with the standard ability to generate good passwords at a click of a button.

Domain Diagnosis

A very robust, secure and straightforward password generator. Minus the fancy pens and whistles that the high-ranking ones on this list have. Hence making it last on our list. It does though come with the feature to show you 3 passwords at a time. And also allows you to run queries on web pages.

Hope, you liked our list of Norton password generator tools.

Billions of people are on social networking sites and other online sites in today’s world. Some use multiple accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. but with the same password. And not only this, some even use the same password in their real life for banking transactions emails, running websites, or anywhere else. Thus, you must know about the finest Random Password Generator out there.

Using the same password everywhere might increase the risk of your data getting leaked by an unauthorized user, this is the reason you should have create password for different purposes. And generating a secure password by ourselves is sometimes difficult for us.

Therefore, we tend to rely on someone or something that may generate a secure password for us keeping it confidential between us only. Some websites can create random passwords for you without letting it any other people know about it. We have listed some of the best such strong random password generator websites below.


  • 1 Top 10 Random Password Generator

Top 10 Random Password Generator

Norton Password Generator

The site can generate passwords for free. After you get into the site, you are just one click away from generating about 50 random passwords. You can choose whether to include or exclude any numbers, special character or symbols, and letters in the combination of your password. You can also safely save the passwords for future use.

The software is very convenient because you can access the saved passwords anywhere, anytime. They also guarantee safety to their customers because a password is something that you should not share with others.

Strong Password Generator

With this best password generator tool, you can generate your password directly from your browser even without sending it to the internet, isn’t that cool and handy? With just a simple click of yours, the software will produce healthy and complex passwords to you.

The passwords generated are robust because they do not combine the similar or look-alike characters in own password, due to which you will get a password where there will be a combination of all different characters. So, what are you waiting for? The worry is over, just get into their site and start generating your password for each of your accounts.

Strong Password Generator

The software is claimed to be one of the most robust random password generator out there. It can create a password by combining any upper case as well as lower case letters, symbols, number, and of any length you want. If you need more than one password, you will have to wait and keep and generating again and again because it can create only one password at a time.

Generating your password through this site is safer than others because you can export the password to your devices rather than saving it to their server. You can access to your passwords anywhere even if you don’t have any Internet connection.


The site does not offer much but is one of the most popular sites for managing your passwords. What it does is, it stores your password in one place securely. You can also use some online password generator.

The passwords generated are secured; this is what the company claim to its users. So, you don’t have to worry about it. Go ahead and try generating your random password.

MSD Services Password Generator

Flexi 10 Password Generator Free

The site is the best for creating a strong password. You can set the combination according to your wish, whether to include uppercase or lowercase alphabet, any number, or some special characters.

Once you decide the combination, simply click on the Generate Password button. The site will itself generate some random passwords by using the set of instructions or combinations that you have provided.

With just one click, you can get as many passwords you want. Do not save the passwords to your computer, simply pen it down to your diary or somewhere else because your computer might get vulnerable to some destructible pry.


The site lets you generate random passwords very easily. Along with the alphabets, numbers, and special characters; you can also ask for combining your password with some ‘hexadecimal‘ values. Not only this, but you can also find another option ‘easy to remember‘.

If you click on that, the site will provide with some random passwords where the combination will be with few words and numbers together that are easy to read and remember.

It will also show you how strong is your new password is. If you get a fair or weak password, you can again ask for generating some new passwords until you are satisfied with the output.

Password Ninja

The site does not offer much. But it works very proficiently. The page layout of their site is very simple and easy to use. You can only find one button for generating the passwords.

At a time, this secure password generator can generate only ten passwords with one click. You are allowed to set any combinations. The algorithm itself has got a pattern and works same for all the passwords.

All of its generated passwords start with a capital letter and ends with two digits. This pattern usually helps you when you get into certain sites where they ask for a specific password pattern; there you can use the passwords you get form Password Ninja.


The site is powered by XKPaswwd.pm Perl Module. The passwords generated are easy to pronounce and remember along with which they are also kept secure.

When you get to their site, you can find numerous settings option for generating a strong password. You can customize the settings and choose any combination according to your need.

The site uses the entropy algorithm to detect whether the generated password is strong or weak. And, as nobody wants a weak password; therefore, you can further change the combination and go ahead for generating a new password.

Llttlelite Password Generator

This random password generator is very easy and simple to use. Against every single click, it produces a single password. You can, of course, set the combination for the passwords including the alphabets, numbers, or any special characters. But along with that, the one out of the box thing it allows it you can also insert a “space” in between your password.

Giving a space in a password is prohibited, but this generator can do that for you. The minimum number of characters your password can have is five and maximum beyond hundred. So, you can generate a password consisting of hundreds of characters in it, but that might challenge your memorizing power!

Domain Diagnosis

This site is pretty simple to use. Once you get into the website, you will have to answer only two questions; “Do you want to use symbols?” and the other, “How many characters do you want in your password?”. Just answer this two simple questions and the rest, it will do itself.

With one single click, you will get three new passwords and if you want more, keep on clicking the button again and again.


So, this was all about random password generator tools.

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