Membuat Program Bengkel Dengan Visual Basic


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I have a welcome to my application as it loads up, but then need to have that form close and login form open when the continue button is hit.

My code:

When I click the button it only closes the welcome form and then ends the application. If you can help thanks! :)


8 Answers

You can set the properties of the project to select 'When last form closes' in the shutdown mode dropdown


'Project' menu -> 'YourApp' Properties.. -> Application Tab

find : 'Shutdown Mode'

Change from

'When startup form closes' --> 'When last form closes'

Rahul TripathiRahul Tripathi

There is a shutdown mode project property. This controls the application lifecycle.

Make sure you set this to 'When last form closes'

Then your code should work as you expect.

What is happening is that you have that setting set to shutdown 'when startup form closes', so by doing Me.Close on the startup form, this shuts down the application, all code after this line is effectively ignored.

Matt WilkoMatt Wilko

Membuat Program Bengkel Dengan Visual Basic

If your Welcome Form isn't your main form, you just need to put your Me.Close after your Login.Show()


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On your welcome form when closing:

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On your login form when in loading event:

This will try to hide the first form and load the second form. And when second form is completely loaded it will try to close the first form.

Make sure that on your Application Tab under your Project properties the option is set to 'When last form closes'. Microsoft office professional plus 2013 download.


If you close sub main form from application, your application will close. However, you can close and open other forms if they are not the sub main form. Maybe you can just hide it instead.


You just need to put Hide() instead of Close :)

So for example, in the project im doing right now..


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