Cooking Benzocaine Into Crack


Hi Guys - have any of you ever heard of making a substance from cooking up benzocaine and then smoking it like you would crack? The way it was described to me was to heat up the benzo on a spoon with some water, when dried - what was left was able to be smoked in a pipe just like crack but called BRACK.

when using procaine in the process use half of what ever amountof cane.the half of mix should be 1/4 soda n 1/4 pro wait until dacoke has liquified or melted down

then add da mix continue regular process be caareful not to useto much pro it wont lock up..out

Can you cook procaine like cocaine and will it come back?

Is procaine illegal?

Procaine is not illegal. It is used as a topical anesthetic. If you're referring to its like cocaine, it won't have the same effect. This is because although procaine is derrived from cocaine, it is modified in a such a way to prevent abuse. Read More

Cooking Benzocaine Into Crack

Cooking Benzocaine Into Cracker

Can procaine make you test positive for cocaine?

Can procaine make u test positive for coccain Read More

Can you mix cocaine with powder procaine?

Yes it can and very often it does get mixed with procaine, benzocaine, lidocaine, etc. It;s pften cut with these agents because they also have the ability to be freebased, and the have similar numbing properties. Read More

Does cocaine turn orange when it comes into contact with bleach?

no.cutting agents from the 'caine family do' ie benzocaine, procaine etc Read More

Can you compress cocaine?

How do you remove cut from cocaine?

What drug do you cook in a spoon?

The right way to cook 3.5 grams of cocaine to convert to crack cocaine?

Cocaine is an illegal drug save for medical purposes in many countries. Read More

What does water whipping mean?

What other drugs could cause a positive test result for cocaine usage if you have not used cocaine?

Cocaine on a drug test can show positive due to: procaine lidocaine novocaine..I hope you are starting to see a pattern. Some people have said that aspirin can also show up as a positive cocaine test. Read More

What is anaesthetic gas?

The first effective local anesthetic was cocaine.A number of cocaine derivatives and safer replacements were soon produced, including procaine (1905), Eucaine (1900), Stovaine (1904), and lidocaine (1943). Read More

Substitute of crack cocaine?

some websites suggest that you can crush up some types of pills and cook them like the cocaine. They call it ghetto crack. Read More

How do you uncut cocaine?

use baking soda or amoniac acid and cook it till the powder turns in liquid and then pick it with knife and the rock's you get is pure cocaine base Read More

What is the dose for penicillin G procaine for a dog?

what is the dose for penicillin g procaine for a dog Read More

What is cocaine mixed with or cut with?

Some common cuts are mannitol, inositol, lidocaine, benzocaine, procaine, amphetamine (speed), ephedrine. Other chemicals are used depending on the area and dealer. (other answers) All kinds of things are used to dilute it. The most common for local dealers is inositol, a carbohydrate which attaches to the coke rocks so it doesn't look like a bag full of powder it can easily be recompressed (re-rocked). Another item that is most commonly used to cut cocaine… Read More

Where can you buy procaine powder?

Try your local coke dealer. His coke is probably 60 to 80% procaine. Read More

Can you use baking powder instead of baking soda to cook cocaine?

no because it contains a higher concentration of sodium carbonate than baking powder does. oh, its also illegal to cook or sell coke, crack, cocaine, stuff, sexything, highhigh, lowlow in the United States Read More

Why is potassium citrate used in the preparation of thixotropic procaine penicillin G?

for injection such a suspention intramusculary to achieve a prolong therapeutic action of cocaine peniciln G so by this method i will be able to transform the penicilin G to thixotropic penecilin G. Read More

How much can 1 gram of cocaine can make into crack?

Wats the best way to cook cocain into crack Read More

What do they cut cocaine with so it will not cook into crack?

Benzocaine High

actually they cut the crack up because cocaine is already in a powder and crack is more of a rock i guess you can say, but they use a razor blade Read More

How much crack does an ounce of powder cocaine make?

Beatmania iidx 16 empress ps2 iso. There's a big problem with that question there big guy and that's because it how GOOD your cocaine is... You could lose and you could gain... If your cocaine's good anywhere between 26g or 30g if your a good cook.... You could still have really good cocaine and end up with 20g or 26g if you don't no how to cook... Over all its 4:1 ratio so 7g baking soda too 28g of cocaine don't… Read More

Can you sniff crack?

Yes you can. But I wouldn't if i were you. Crack is cocaine and baking soda cooked up with a chemical such as ammonia. Cook up (basically crack) is cocaine and baking soda cooked up with water. So you might as well just buy cocaine and sniff it without the baking soda and/or ammonia. Read More

Does crack cocaine use a spoon?

No. You use a crack pipe to smoke rock cocaine. A spoon is used for substances you inject. Heroin comes directly to the minds of most people, but the spoon is very versatile. You can inject and use a spoon for cocaine, but not for his brother crack. Actually a spoon is used for many that cook cocaine into it's crack form. It cooks out most of the cut used in cocaine and leaves a… Read More

Can you cook bath salt like crack cocaine if so what color would it be?

Yes you can and it depends on the color of the salt it would probly be white Read More

What is value of a quarter kilo of cocaine?

to purchase with intention to sell as rock.. $3400 depending who you know.. but generally 3400 to 4000 Read More

Can you look at cocaine and know if it is cocaine?

Unless it's analytically tested in a laboratory, you can't know for shure. Cocaine is always cut by dealers to increase their profit, and although harmfull adulterants such as strychnine and rat poison have been proven to be urban myths, Cocaine being cut with a wide range of less harmful substances is basic reality. Cocaine is most often adulterated with local anesthetics such as Lidocaine, Benzocaine or Procaine because Cocaine it itself a local anesthetic and… Read More

How do you spell cocine?

The Spanish term 'cocine 'is a subjunctive form of 'I cook.' The kitchen is la cocina, and a chef or cook is cocinero/cocinera from the verb cocinar. The likely English word is cocaine, an alkaloid narcotic. Read More

Equations showing how procaine and procaine monohydrochloride can be prepared from amino benzoic acid?

Procaine and procaine monohydrochloride (Novocain) can be prepared from amino benzoic acid in two ways. The first way directly reacts 4-aminobenzoic acid ethyl ester with 2-diethylaminoethanol in sodium ethoxide. The second way reacts 4-nitrobenzoic acid with thionyl chloride. The resulting acid chloride is esterified with 2-diethylaminoethanol. Then the nitro group is reduced by hydrogenation over nickel catalyst. Read More

What are Bolivias ethnic groups?

What is procaine?

Procaine is a local anasthetic drug of the amino ester group. It is used primarily to reduce the pain of intramuscular injection of panicillin, and is also used in dentistry. Source: Read More

Can you get a dirty UA by standing over someone watching them cook down cocaine to make crack?

The answer is no I am a expert in controlled substances . But limit exposure because the fumes are toxic Read More

Can you cook bath salts into something to smoke like crack or ready rock that you get from cocaine?

yes you can with a spoon and baking soda much the same way as you would with crack Read More


What is the structural formula of Penicillin g procaine?

What is the dosage of penicillin g procaine injection for human?

How do you cook cocaine into crack?

mix the cocaine into water will a pinch of baking soda in a spoon, put the lighter under the spoon until it comes to a boil, take a penny and scrape off the top layer repetidely until you are left with a white past (crack) let it harden and you are done Read More

Baking powder or baking soda to cook cocaine?

Baking powder is generally used in baking. In the cooking of bread and cakes. The baking soda is used in cleaning the household surfaces. Read More

Is there a purity test for crack cocaine?

I do not know of and have not heard of a purity test for crack cocaine in all my years experience. If you are trying to sell crack cocaine you should cook it up yourself, never buy it already cooked (Hard) from somebody or another dealer. It is not that hard to cook up (simple math and science) , and you will know it is pure because you will test the raw cocaine needed to… Read More

What are different ecstasy pills cut with?

Can horses have human penicillin?

Procaine Penicillin, Amoxicillin etc. Can be used on horses. Read More

What is a gram of cocaine?

What is an kilo of cocaine?

'What is a kilo of cocaine?' you mean, well it's cocaine. Cocaine is a really bad drug that is illegal and can kill you! 'What is a kilo of cocaine?' you mean, well it's cocaine. Cocaine is a really bad drug that is illegal and can kill you! Read More

What age do most people try cocaine?

Speaking from experience, I prefer to experiment with marijuana and other light drugs like pharmaceudicals before moving into cocaine. One way to know when you are ready to do cocaine is when your parents start giving you a surplus of money. I was one to free base cocaine which is when you cook it and inhale the fumes, I prefer this method since you do not experience the nose bleeds or sniffing and rubbinmg your… Read More

Is crack cocaine and cocaine different?

Both are cocaine. Crack is a type of cocaine that is processed in a certain way to make it smokable, but crack is still cocaine. Read More

What is Procaine penicillin?

An injectable form of penicillin that contains an anesthetic to reduce the pain of the injection Read More

What does the mechanical hound do to montag?

injects him with procaine, also known as novacaine Read More

How do you test positive for cocaine?

by sniffing,shooting and smoking. cocaine is cocaine Read More

What is a zip of cocaine?

What is sold as cocaine?

Is cocaine from a rock?

No cocaine is not from a rock, cocaine is from the leaves of the tropical coca plant. Download season 4 of the office. Read More

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